Savera UK 2

Visit to Savera UK by Natalie Reeves Billing DL

Natalie Reeves Billing DL was invited to visit Savera UK. The invitation provided an opportunity to meet the staff and gain an insight into the vital work that they do in supporting survivors and those at risk of so called “honour”-based abuse and harmful practices. Savera UK also work to promote equality and human rights within the community. Afra Qassim founded the charity 15 years ago after seeing the need for it whilst working in the NHS.

Natalie said of her visit, “It was a poignant and powerful morning; I was truly moved by the stories they told and the cases of the women they have helped.”

Pictured below are Natalie Reeves Billing DL, Afra Qassim and the core team from Savera.

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