Michael Paul Braham


Born in Bolton in 1949, Michael Braham was educated at Sunnymede School, Clifton College and the College of Law, Chester. He has been a partner at Brighouse Solicitors in Southport since January 1988.

He was President of the Southport and Ormskirk Law Society between 2003 and 2004 and has been Honorary Treasurer of the Southport and Ormskirk Law Society between 1985 to 2002, and 2004 to date. He is a member of the Union Club, Southport and is its President in 2016.

Michael Braham is a Trustee of the Southport Pier Trust  and the Southport Hebrew Congregation. He is a Vice-President of Southport Football Club. He is Honorary Secretary of the Southport Hebrew Philanthropic Society and a founder member of the Birkdale Civic Society, having held office as Treasurer, Secretary, Vice Chairman and Chairman between 1982 and 1995. He is a member of the Queenscourt Hospice, Birkdale Support Group.

Michael Braham is the author of ‘The Southport Liberal Association – The First 100 Years 1885 to 1985’, ‘Fifteen Decades of Southport and Birkdale Cricket Club 1859 to 2009’ and ‘The Complete History of Southport Football Club’ with G S Wilde.

He is a Life Member of Southport and Birkdale Cricket Club and a member of the MCC.

Michael Braham is married to Hilary Susan (Sue) née Ross and they have two children, Alexander and Victoria. Michael enjoys local history, watching Southport Football Club and drinking a pint of real ale.

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