Pamela Brown presents awards to Connor 'Chip' Harrison and Amelia Bell  as Top Trainee.

Merseyside Adventure Sailing Trust

Top Trainee crew members recognised.

Pamela Brown DL represented the Lord-Lieutenant at the Merseyside Adventure Sailing Trust (MAST) Annual Dinner 2023 at Liverpool’s Liner Hotel on 8th September. She presented the awards for Top Trainee Crew Members competing in the Sir Ken and Lady Dodd Tall Ship Sailing Experience to: Connor ‘Chip’ Harrison, for Voyage 3 aboard TS Pelican of London, from Barrow to Dublin; and to Amelia Bell, for Voyage 3 aboard TS Maybe from Penzance to Birkenhead.

A superb evening was had by all the 100 plus trainees who had taken part in the sail training adventure enabling young people to develop themselves through guidance and practical support, including communication skills, building self-confidence, using one’s initiative, developing resilience and team building. None of the trainees had ever been to sea before!

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