Anne P Morris


Anne was born in St Helens in 1955, educated at Huyton College, Liverpool, and trained as a Chartered Accountant in the Liverpool office of Deloitte Haskins + Sells (now Pricewaterhouse Coopers).

In 1987, Anne and two of her colleagues set up Macfarlane + Co. Anne was Managing Partner up until January 2011, when the firm merged with another practice to form BW Macfarlane LLP – where she remained until “Retirement” beckoned, in December 2012.
Anne was a committee member of the Liverpool Chartered Accountants’ Students’ Association, and was their Treasurer just before she qualified.  She then joined the committee of the Liverpool Society of Chartered Accountants, where she held various appointments, the most notable being that of President in 1997/98 (then only the second woman to have been President in Liverpool.)

Anne was a Director of The Liverpool Playhouse for ten years, and was Deputy Chair when the Theatre closed in 1998. In 1999 she was invited by Liverpool City Council to be a member of the Steering Group to consider the future of the Playhouse and Everyman theatres. Subsequently she was appointed as a Director of the Liverpool and Merseyside Theatres Trust, which took over both theatres, and held that appointment until 2005.

Anne was a life governor of, and a Treasurer to, the Liverpool College Foundation for many years. She completed a 5 year term as Chairman of the Huyton College Old Girls’ Guild, and was a Trustee of a charitable trust associated with Liverpool College for several years.
A golfer from an early age, Anne now makes a major commitment to furthering ladies’ golf by arranging coaching and weekly events for beginners at her club in St Helens – Grange Park. At the club’s AGM in March 2017 Anne was appointed as the Director of Finance and Development. She is also the Accountant to Lancashire Ladies’ County Golf Association.
She continues to be involved within her local communities, both at Crank where she lives, and in Scotland where she spends 3 – 4 months each year, at her holiday home. Current responsibilities include: Accountant to Crank Village Community Association, and Independent Examiner for Urr Parish Church, and Dumfries and Galloway National Trust for Scotland Members’ Group.

It seems that there is no escape for Accountants!

Other former roles include:

Anne enjoys frequent visits to local theatres, and aims to play golf each week. If she had any spare time, Anne would like to improve her golf handicap (currently 14, but has been as low as 11), and travel – including visiting more of the UK’s wonderful houses and gardens, in addition to more exotic destinations.

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