
2024 New Year’s Honours List.

Many congratulations to all those from Merseyside named in the 2024 New Year’s Honours List. We in Merseyside are all very proud of you:

Heather Akehurst OBE, Dr. Christopher Johnson OBE, Professor Simon Kenny OBE, Thomas Bosworth MBE, Donna Dawber MBE, Elizabeth Hawkins MBE, Professor Saye Hock Khoo MBE, Rev. Canon Dr. Crispin Pailing MBE, Norah Button BEM, Pauline Higgins BEM, Dr. Catherine Hubbert BEM, Amanda Lear BEM, Joan Prescott BEM.

Many people are nominated for honours, and it takes someone very special to be recognised in this way. All of those named in this year’s honours list have done something exceptional and their awards are thoroughly deserved.

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